In-Store Cash Management Consultation

Cashmaster specialises in working with corporate clients in sectors such as retail, c-store, and grocery, to streamline and improve their cash handling processes.

Leveraging over 40 years’ experience with cash management and applying the latest tools in process automation and applying lean principles for process improvement, we can help you to deliver transformational results with a solution tailored to your business.

To assess eligibility for our money back guarantee, trial period, or consultation services. Please speak to a Cashmaster representative. Eligibility is at the discretion of Cashmaster and can be determined by but is not limited to the number of locations, business size, and the area in which your business operates.

What's in it for you?

Current State Process Mapping:

We'll assess your existing cash management practices to identify areas that require improvement.

Future State Design:

Based on our findings, we'll propose a customised and efficient cash handling solution that aligns with your goals.

Benefits/Savings Estimates:

You'll receive a comprehensive report detailing the potential benefits and cost savings resulting from our proposed solution.

... and more!

ROI Modelling:

Our experts will prepare a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis to demonstrate the tangible advantages of implementing our recommended solution.

Business Case:

We'll provide you with a solid business case, showcasing the value and impact of our recommended solutions on your operations that will help you gain funding approval.

Proof of Concept:

To build trust in our services, we offer a no-obligation Proof of Concept phase, allowing you to witness the benefits firsthand, which includes free use of a Cashmaster money counter.