How To Count Money Fast Like A Bank Teller

Counting money fast and accurately like a bank teller is notoriously challenging in fast-paced business environments. It can be so easy to miss a note or a coin here and there, and before you know it, your whole count is wrong. So, if you want to know how to count money fast like a bank teller, then listen up – Cashmaster can help you achieve that!

Counting a till takes time. But not with a Cashmaster device. On average, our customers save at least an hour a day per store using our count-by-weight machines.

If your staff are counting a till manually it may take 7-10 minutes per till and often results in errors and subsequent recounts! Using a Cashmaster counting device could reduce this to under 60 seconds.

So, let’s jump into a couple of benefits that a Cashmaster One Range device can bring to your business to ensure you and your staff aren’t just counting fast like a bank teller, but more quickly and accurately, too!

Time savings

One of the biggest issues for customer-facing staff in supermarkets, restaurants, and retail is lack of time.

Our Cashmaster One range can reduce your count time from an average of 8 minutes to under 60 seconds. Our solution also dramatically reduces the risk of manual error throughout the count and reporting, ensuring there is no need for time-consuming and frustrating recounts.

By significantly reducing the time it takes to carry out a till count and with potential time savings in the range of 10 hours per location per week, staff can invest more time meeting the needs of customers and the business, especially keeping queues down at the tills. If you are asking how to count money fast like a bank teller, then we suspect time savings within your business is what you are trying to achieve! 

Find out exactly how much time (and money!) you could save, with our savings calculator.


Accurate Counts Every Time

The biggest problem faced by staff when counting cash manually is inaccuracy. Your loss prevention efforts could be negatively impacted if you’re counting by hand regularly. As outlined here, there are a number of pitfalls you could encounter.

It's important to ensure you have consistent cash management processes throughout your business to protect your cash, as even the smallest discrepancies can put huge pressure on your margins.

Our Cashmaster One range has a variety of features to ensure you are covered. Till and employee IDs, management access restrictions, data transfer and data storage can all provide the capability to allow any discrepancies to be quickly and simply tracked and managed without any fuss.

Greater control not only makes staff more accountable but ensures adherence to your cash-handling policies and procedures.


So count like a pro, and no longer ask how to count money fast like a bank teller – count like a Cashmaster One! Click here to calculate your potential cost and time savings using our online calculator.